Eli was blessed in our home on Sunday October 3rd, 2010. Eli was blessed at about 12:30pm in between sessions of General Conference. Eli is our first child to have his baby blessing at home. While I still prefer to have the baby blessing during Sacrament meeting, it was a very special blessing.
We blessed him at home so that my brother Chad and sister Amber and her family could be present at the blessing. Also by having it at home my parents who live in Texas where able to hear the blessing over the phone.
Andrew gave a wonderful blessing. In the blessing Eli was told that his family loves him. We was blessed with protection and strength as he grows to manhood. He was blessed with an eternal perception. He was told to keep in mind the Lords plan. And that he would have a understanding and desire to work out his salvation.
I am so glad that Eli has joined our family.
Enjoy the pictures below.
Don't Marysa and Caleb look so happy to be in the family picture.
This is a picture of the men who stood in the circle during Eli's blessing. Left to right we have John Andrews dad, Denton Andrew's step dad, and my brother Chad.
Can you see Josh in this picture? I usually think I look really bad in pictures but I think I look nice in this picture.
This is not my favorite of Eli but I wanted to get a shot of his full baby blessing outfit. It is the same outfit that Josh wore.
I like this profile picture of Eli.
I love Eli's face in this picture. Too cute.