Monday, December 20, 2010

Marysa Playing volleyball.

Marysa is having a ball playing volleyball.  She is getting better each game.  The video is of her serving the ball.  She was able to get it over twice.   She has one more game, she is going to be sad when it is over.  She is even coming with me when we have open court volleyball at the church.

Gingle bells, gingle bells

Josh has been singing Jingle Bells all over the house.  Except it comes out gingle bells, gingle bells.  So cute.

The other kids saw me videoing Joshua and wanted to join in.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Eli is 3 months old.

Eli is 3 months old.  He smiles all the time.  He is getting really big, last time he was weighed he weighed 15lbs.  He is wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes.

We had our first snow storm last night. I took Eli outside to take some pictures of him in the snow.

Here he is sitting in the apple tree. I am holding him up.

Here he is laying in the snow.

He looks so cute in this blue snowsuit.

I got a few good shots, but it was really cold and Eli had had enough.


Here Marysa is Serving the ball.
Marysa is playing volleyball.   She is just learning how, so the games mostly are won by which team can serve it over the net the most.   She is having a lot of fun

Here is Marysa receiving the ball.  


Here is a video of Marysa serving the ball.  Sorry it is a bit shaky I was holding Eli and trying to video at the same time.

Monday, November 22, 2010

I am in LOVE

I am in Love.






   I just love how their personalities peek through


 My Boys

 My Girls

I am forever grateful that I get to be the mother to these wonderful children.  Like I said I am in LOVE.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Azalea

Happy Birthday to my little Azalea. I can not believe she is already five years old. She is so sweet, she is always thinking of others. If she is getting a treat she wants to make sure everyone else gets one too. Azalea also keeps me on my toe, you can not take your eye off of her for even one minute.

Notice how nice and long her hair is in this picture. She is looking like a big girl.

Notice how short and cute her hair looks in this picture. You know what happened I took my eyes off her for a minute. Yes she cut her hair AGAIN. Not so happy about it, but I think this hair cut makes her look like a little girl. I do not want her growing up to fast.

Just another cute picture of Azalea.

This picture shows her wonderful smile.

This picture is to show my parents what they go her for her birthday. They sent her some money and she went and chose something that she wanted.

This picture is for Azalea. She loves I mean loves the color purple.

Happy Birthday Azalea we are so glad you are in our family.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Meeting half way

This past weekend the kids and I took a trip to Idaho. My sister Amber is moving to Texas. My dad game to help her. We decided to meet about half way between Boise Idaho and Payson Utah. It so happens that my uncle Devan's house(my dad's brother)is about half way.

Andrew wasn't able to come so that I could pick up my Grandma so she could see my dad too. It was a lot of fun seeing my dad and sister again.

This is my Uncle Devan, he was nice enough to let his house be our half way.

Here is Eli, dang this kid is cute.

My dad meeting Eli for the first time.

Four generations

We played Apples to Apples. These are Sarah's hands.

Josh watching us play.

Grandpa's wild flowers Azalea and Lily sitting on his lap.

Caleb pondering what card to put down.

Azalea and Lily playing.

Getting ready to say goodbye.

Marysa and Sarah saying goodbye.

Amber and I saying goodbye.

Lily and Azalea saying goodbye.

just for fun, some cows we saw in the middle of the road on the way home.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This video is mainly for my parents who live in Texas. I would recommend seeing it any ways because the actors in this are just to cute.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Eli is 2 months old.

Eli is now 2 months old. He is starting to smile more. He is such a joy. I love taking pictures of him. Although and can never seem to get him to smile when I am taking a picture. To bad to cause he has a super cute smile.
I just can't get enough of this child. So cute.

I went outside to take pictures of Eli. He feel asleep under the peach tree. He looked so comfy and cute that I just wanted to curl up next to him and sleep with the warm fall sun on me too.

I love Eli's dimple it is soooooooo cute. You can see it really good in this picture.

I love baby yawns.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My boys- who is who

Can you guess which son of mine is in which picture?




The answers will be in the comments.
I think my all of my boys have a similar look. They all look like there dad.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eli smiles

We thought you would all like to see this video of Eli smiling. We thought of those who aren't in Utah but at this point even family/friends here haven't seen him smile. We hope you enjoy.

Eli's Baby Blessing

Eli was blessed in our home on Sunday October 3rd, 2010. Eli was blessed at about 12:30pm in between sessions of General Conference. Eli is our first child to have his baby blessing at home. While I still prefer to have the baby blessing during Sacrament meeting, it was a very special blessing.
We blessed him at home so that my brother Chad and sister Amber and her family could be present at the blessing. Also by having it at home my parents who live in Texas where able to hear the blessing over the phone.

Andrew gave a wonderful blessing. In the blessing Eli was told that his family loves him. We was blessed with protection and strength as he grows to manhood. He was blessed with an eternal perception. He was told to keep in mind the Lords plan. And that he would have a understanding and desire to work out his salvation.

I am so glad that Eli has joined our family.

Enjoy the pictures below.

Don't Marysa and Caleb look so happy to be in the family picture.

This is a picture of the men who stood in the circle during Eli's blessing. Left to right we have John Andrews dad, Denton Andrew's step dad, and my brother Chad.

Can you see Josh in this picture? I usually think I look really bad in pictures but I think I look nice in this picture.

This is not my favorite of Eli but I wanted to get a shot of his full baby blessing outfit. It is the same outfit that Josh wore.

I like this profile picture of Eli.

I love Eli's face in this picture. Too cute.