Two very big sleeping changes have happened at my house.
1. My baby sleeps in a big bed now and its all my fault. I should be really happy about it but... I am not. We bought a bunk bed for the boys a couple of months ago. The intent was to let Josh continue sleeping in his crib for at least another 9 months. He was 21 months when we bought them and i figured I would move him when he was about 2 1/2.
I was wondering how he would do on the bottom bunk. I told him if he got out I would but him right back in his crib. He got out of the bed once so I put him in his crib. He cried for awhile and so I gave him one more chance. He stayed in bed he didn't get out.
He loves the bed. He is really obedient. I will lay down with him for about 5 minutes and then I leave and he stays in bed and goes to sleep.
Funny story really quick. I put him down for a nap one day and he got out of bed . The door was shut so I let him just cry. He only cried for about 3 minutes. When I went to go check on him I couldn't see him.
Silly boy had climbed up the latter to the bunk bed and had fallen asleep on Caleb's bed. Josh is a pro at climbing up and down the bunk bed.
I just can not get myself to take down the crib yet. I am not ready for my baby to be sleeping in a big bed. Joshua respects his freedom. That I love I hope it is something that will always stick with him.
2. We are the proud owners of a c-pap machine. Andrew had a sleep study done and he has sleep apnea. The cure a c-pap machine. We have only had it for 2 nights but it is a wonderful thing.
Slow Start
1 week ago
Hmm, I keep telling Leon that he needs to look into a c-pap machine. He does not sleep well most nights, and I hear him hold his breath then take one big, deep breath. He doesn't believe me.
Kids grow too quickly don't they?! Hope you guys are doing well!
Wow, that's great he does so well. Hayden was like that.. total opposite of how Aubrey was. lol Carson just wants to sleep with Hade.
Does Andrew keep his machine on all night? When Drew has his study done years ago they said he has obstructive apnea (because of his big chin and the weight that pushes on his throat, his huge tonsils and a big tongue). But they said (he had two of them done because he slept so badly the first time) he was holding his breath for 30-45 seconds!
Anyway, so Drew would use the machine and liked it at first but after the pressure increased he would wake up a few hours later with tons of air in his stomach and would have to stay awake for like an hour until it went away.
So after a few weeks, Drew stopped. I can tell he sleeps much better since he's lost twenty pounds or so.. He still holds his breath but it's for about 8-10 seconds. How long does Andrew hold his?
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