Friday, September 19, 2008

I little monkey is now a puppy

Azalea is to that fun stage where she acts like a puppy. She comes up and licks me on my face she barks and she will chase after a toy if i throw one. It is all good though it means she is using her imagenation. She is so cute when she comes up to me panting like a dog with her tounge sticking out.

it should suprise me that she is acting like a dog. She loves dogs she loves all animals. She loves to pet them and the size of the dog doesn't matter she likes them all. Un like marysa who is scared of the tinest dog but that is another story.

I feel bad for Azalea though she will not be able to have any pets until she is out on her own. I am allergic to dogs and cats. So i guess for the time being I currently have 3 kids and a little puppy named Azalea who looks alot llike my daughter Azalea.

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